Friday, October 26, 2007

Trunk or Treat

Our ward did a chili cook-off and a trunk or treat tonight and we had a lot of fun. Our chili won second place, although they had it labeled wrong and so they thought it was another family's chili. LOL! But we know in our hearts that we were the true second place winners. :)

Eli dressed up as a little Austrian boy (read: I didn't have it organized enough to get a costume for him beforehand, so we just put on the lederhosen that Nathan's mom got for him and called it good). He actually won second place for most original costume because the woman in charge said she had never seen any kid dress up in lederhosen before. :) Heehee. It certainly was a Lakey sweep night for the prizes, as Nathan won the "Guess the circumference of the pumpkin" contest. Man, we should have just stayed home in order to spread the prizes around for others! :)

Here are some pictures of Eli in his little outfit. They're not from tonight, because I was retarded and forgot my flash disk for my camera, but they're cute just the same.

Love you all!


Emily Busath Murdock said...

You should've named him Hans! hmm, ok, maybe not, I wasn't thinking about the Hassels, anyways...he looks super cute!

Laurel said...

Oh nice. I don't want my kid anywhere near the Hassell boy, even in name only! :)